Monday, May 4, 2015

HIKING THE TRAIL between the two Waterfalls (Tili ti Nuang to Tangadan) 2nd attempt

"How great it would be to hike an Eco trail from Tili Ti Nuang Falls to Tangadan Falls"

This is my second attempt to personally rediscover the shortest trail or even it is not the shortest but an off-road path (Eco-trail) from Tili ti Nuang to Tangadan Falls and vice-versa which are both located between the municipalities of Bagulin and San Gabriel (La Union).

Please practice the leave no trace outdoor ethics when going to these nature places. Let us not vandalize, put graffiti on their rocks and stone walls. Manage and dispose our waste products properly.

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-my pagnapagna-

After visiting (8:09 am) and informing the police office fronting the Bagulin municipal hall of my hike to Tili ti Nuang Falls, from the other side of the hanging bridge at Suyo, Bagulin, La Union, I rode a passenger motorbike going to Upper Barangay Cardiz.

Terminal area of passenger motorbikes at the other side of the Hanging bridge

I had some conversation with the driver as we went uphill passing by the barangays of Dagup and Alibangsay. We finally arrived at the drop-off point (8:50 am) where a signage says "to Tili Nuang Falls"

a waiting shed at the intersection to Tili ti Nuang falls

It is a branching dirt road going down to the left side of the main road (although a motorcycle can still go down on that branching road up to the waiting shed below).

at the left is the dirt road going down to lower Cardiz

The once muddy road on rainy days is now powdery dust dry. 
The day was starting to heat up as i went down the road (8:54 am) until i reached the waiting shed where they usually use for stop-overs or resting place. There i saw an old man seated on one side with its back leaned to one of the shed's post. I smiled as i passed by. A few meters on a sloping ground, the trail branches. Just to be sure, I went back to the shed and asked the old man which one to take going to the falls. He did just smile and uttered some words.  

A waiting shed before the main trail going down to the fields and eventually to the river and waterfalls

Then after some few minutes, the woman i passed by the road came hurrying to where i was at the shed. I smiled and asked her in a polite way as much as possible why she came back hurrying. She replied "Nakitak gamin sir nga agdamdamag ka dita lakay ket adda gamin managlilipat nan ken kabkabaw nan" (I rushed back because I saw you sir talking to the old man. He is sometimes forgetful with a little of Alzheimer). She did told me to take the trail going to the right and after which i did really thanked her a lot for that kind gesture of coming back.

He must be wondering who I was and what was i doing there. He never smiled, just plain wondering.

I continued walking that trail going down and after crossing a creek on a short hanging bridge (9:38 am), I was at the other rice fields area at sitio Amsilingen. I went down to the river below, just near a small waterfall  and another small hanging bridge. There I met a man holding a shovel in his hand (He just came from his farm) accompanied by his two small dogs. I introduced myself and asked if there is a way going directly to Tangadan falls area. He said that there is no direct way but if i cross that bridge and go up to fields above (and he said some few directions which i can not take a grip on) it will lead to a road further above. I asked him if there is some waterfalls just downstream. He replied, "adda sa ti bassit dita ta isu ti pagdidigusan da mut dita" (I think there is a small one there, it is were they swim). I thanked him and i went on my way downstream.

he came from his garden uphill by the river
at the river with a ripped left thigh shorts (photo taken by the man with shovel)

On summer days like that day, the river was much easier to walk on as i just have to walk and hop on top of some rocks and boulders with only one or two below knee-deep river crossings. 

Walked farther and I reached some few small cascades that eventually went down and continued to flow into a gorge (10:31 am).

 Looking at the two mountain walls on both sides, fearful, I said to myself, this is the barrier of my journey going downstream and decided to end it there.

the water flowed down to the gorge

After taking photographs and videos of the area, i went back (11:20 am). 
Near the area where the rice fields can be seen at a distance above, still along the river and under the shade of a tree, i ate my packed lunch and rested there for some few minutes (11:44 am).

resting at the riverbank under a shade of tree
my packed lunch of .... Pork and Beans on rice

At 20 minutes after noontime, I continued walking upstream along the river until I reached Tili ti Nuang Falls.
 After taking photographs and videos, i walked back using the mountainside trail (1:20 pm). As i approached a lone residential house with some barking dogs, two young boys came out to pacify the dogs. "Makipagna ak man ading" (May I pass through) I said to them in a low voice. Then came out an old man and said smiling "Napanan yu kadi?" (Where have you been?). I told him that i just came from Tili ti Nuang Falls and I was on my way back to downtown Bagulin. He invited me to have lunch with them as they have just watched the Pacquio-Mayweather boxing fight and unfortunately Manny Pacquiao did not win.

with Mang "Bruno"

In our conversation, I again asked if there is in anyway one can walk along the river downstream to Tangadan falls. He told me that it would be difficult or hardly possible because of the areas where there is no river banks to walk on. It is where there would be almost vertical walls on both sides. They regard these as the "Simbong Tiweng" and the "Tag-ed Balakay" which is mostly named after the unfortunate incidents in the areas. 

Mang "Bruno" with his two Grandchildren

Well, lots of things were discussed. 
They also filled my bottle with fresh cool spring water for my travel.
As a token of gratitude, I gave them a gray "pagnapagna" shirt, thanked them and said that i will definitely come back to see the "Tag-ed Balakay" area and probably walk the best way from Tili ti Nuang to Tangadan falls.
I walked my way up to the road to Upper Cardiz (1:52 am). 

It was broom-making season in their area.
I saw this tiger grass for brooms under a rock i happened to passed by along the trail in the fields
It was even hotter when I walked my way up to the road above.
This photo was taken when i looked backed

 At the road above, where the signage to Tili Nuang Falls is and a communication tower nearby, I rode a passenger motorbike going back to downtown Bagulin, made my way back to Naguilian and eventually back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

For our first attempt CLICK HERE.
fast forward:
For our third attempt CLICK HERE
For our 4th attempt CLICK HERE

A video along the vicinity of "Simbong Tiweng" or it must be "Tag-ed Balakay"

A video of Tili ti Nuang during summer of 2015

google map of my hike

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