Sunday, April 12, 2015

SILLAG 2015 Poro Point Festival of Lights

"From two days celebration in 2013, SILLAG was recently celebrated in 4 days this year 2015 "
This year of 2015, the Sillag Poro Point Festival of Lights was celebrated from April 9 until April 12, a four day celebration.
Although it was a 4-day celebration, I only got to visit the festival on the late afternoons until early nights of the 3rd (Saturday) and 4th day (Sunday).

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-my pagnapagna-

3rd Day
(April 11)
I rode a jeep from downtown San Fernando City (La Union) bound for Poro Point.
At Poro point, after going down from the jeep, I walked some few meters to get me to the Sillag Village. 

The welcome arch at the entrance of the Sillag Village

At the road fronting the Sillag Village was a "car show". 
One of the many in the "car show"

Inside the Sillag Village was a replica of the Poro Point Lighthouse where visitors pose for their souvenir photos. 
I strolled around and found two "Clowns" entertaining the people.

One of the two Clowns

Walked further near the seashore, the Sillag signage was placed along a road strip.

the Sillag Signage

I learned that they will be making a some kind of "Baywalk" park along this seaside overlooking the San Fernando bay and into the the far downtown area.

The proposed Baywalk park area overlooking downtown San Fernando

I strolled around waiting for the release of hope lanterns but just before that, the first batch of street dancers came.

The street dancers

Finally, the most awaited finale for the night came. With most of the lights turned-off, everybody were pointing their cameras at the ground near the stage. At the count of 1 to 3 they released the Lantern of Hopes. They were using balloons in different colors with flickering led light inside.
As the "balloons" went farther deep into the night sky, the lights were turned back on and they got readied for the street dancing exhibition-competition. Everybody rushed to get their places near the performance area. At that instance, I decided to leave and come back the next day which was the closing ceremony.

4th day
(April 12)
I was back for the final day of the festival.
Only this time, together with 2 other architects (Archt. Chan and Archt. Caasi) and 1 architect employee (Archt. Aquino) of PPMC (Poro Point Management Corporation) we went to look for the different competing boats for the Lantern Fluvial parade. We literally went around the area looking for these entries as we were invited to judge them for the competition.

Archt. Caasi (Green shirt) judging the entry of Philippine Coast Guard 
while one of the PCG pulls the boat closer to the pier for us to leap safely to it

At the distance, looking at the Sillag Village area, skydivers were doing their stunts skydiving down.  While we went looking for the different entries for the fluvial parade.

The entry of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
The fireworks by the seashore

After seeing them all, we went to eat at a restaurant at the Casino c/o PPMC.
After that, we went back to the Sillag Village for the awarding ceremonies and also for the finale of fireworks display.
Lights turned-off, the music played and one by one the fireworks burst into the night sky. We were not in the greater advantage as we were too close to see the bursting fireworks almost directly up above us (It must be best to just lie down to see it above).
The crowd clapped as the last fireworks burst into the sky.
The awarding ceremony continued (as judges of the Lantern Fluvial parade entries, we were asked to accept the plaque of appreciation at the stage) and after which a band played for a concert which we did not get to see as we left the area and went back to our Home Sweet Home.
-end of pagnapagna-

For the Sillag 2013 Festival CLICK HERE
For the Poro Point Lighthouse CLICK HERE
For the Sillag 2016 CLICK HERE

  © All original content copyright sparkPLUG, 2012-2015. Please ask permission for content use.

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