Sunday, May 17, 2015

HIKING THE TRAIL between the two Waterfalls (Tangadan to Tili ti Nuang) 3rd attempt

"At that time, our plan was to start from Tangadan falls going upstream and find out if we can do it until we reach Tili ti Nuang falls"

Please practice the leave no trace outdoor ethics when going to these nature places. Let us not vandalize, put graffiti on their rocks and stone walls. Manage and dispose our waste products properly.

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-my pagnapagna-
May 17, 2015 Sunday

As we were about to go down the river at barangay Duplas, San Juan, La Union, we were asked to stop and not to go further (7:55 am) as they were having a "video shoot", if I was not mistaken, of some model-actresses and model-actors from Manila. Later on, I came to know that one of the actresses was Solenn Heussaff and they were filming a scene for the movie Flotsam.

A policeman with a crew from the group  halted us
 from going down further to the river
others waited patiently and so did we

After some few minutes of waiting, they finally let us go ahead as they had finished their video shoot in the area. 
As we walked on top of the irrigation canals concrete wall, we came across with some of the model-actresses and actors who were leaving.  They were with one of the local surfer-instructor whom i used to know as a hiker-mountaineer "Ago" from Kahuna resort. He greeted me as we came across each other and he told me that we will see them again at the waterfalls area (Tangadan) as they will be taking the mountain-route of Kilat-Amontoc on a jeepney.
We went on opposite directions as we continued walking the trail along the river upstream to Tangadan falls. 

Along the trail you might also
 see the for rent vine swing :-)

After around an hour of walking, we finally arrived at the Tangadan falls vicinity. 

Tangadan Falls

There were significant numbers of people now crowding the place.

The newly constructed Comfort room 
near Tangadan Falls

 After we got our guide "Harry" for our journey to the river upstream where will it connect to Tili ti Nuang falls, we went walking on the concrete steps going up (10:21 am) which is part of the "Amontoc route"
After the gruesome uphill concrete steps, along the dry-empty rice fields and some few patches of mountainside forest, on the trail going up, we came across again with "Ago" together with the model-actors and actresses as well as their crew (cameramen, etc) as they were going downhill to Tangadan Falls.
Halfway uphill, we went eastward on the mountainside trail. 

We rested at a residential area along the way (above Tangadan Falls)
Under the hot sun, we walked

At first, the trail was visible but as we went farther it became lost with the dried fallen leaves and forest overgrowth. Our guide used his machete to clear the trail. At times we have to be very careful on the 60 to 70 degrees of mountainside slope aggravated by its dry top soil which were slightly powdery-loose as we stepped on and not to mention the dried leaves that carpeted it. 
I let my companion carry my backpack (I have trouble with my balancing act).
In this and as well to all our other hikes, I trailed behind specially on the uphills.
We went to see the "Akin Labaw" cave area but we can only see it from a distance because we need a raft to get near (11:20 am).
We departed the place and went on hiking again to see waterfalls upstream.

a small cascade
The "Napandagan" or "Nakapandagan" Falls (not sure about the specific name)
a view upstream
the waterfalls as seen from above, along the mountainside trail

We had our lunch under one of the many shallow caves in the area.

we had our lunch under one of these
Resting under the shade with our guide "Harry"

We arrived at the "Kapakpakuan" area (12:30 pm). He said that there was still a higher waterfall upstream and another one before the "Simbong Tiweng" where I terminated my hike  previously when I came from Tili ti Nuang (See post CLICK HERE).

further was a bigger waterfall, our guide said.
Rested for a while, overlooking a deep clear-water pool area as we can't go further upstream.

Unfortunately, we again needed a raft to continue our journey going upstream. The mountains on both sides of the river were very steep and generally of rock and there was no riverbanks to walk on. So that was where our hike terminated. 
It was the turning point of our hike.
 We did not make it to Tili ti Nuang falls but seen some picturesque waterfalls along the way.
We will make it some other time if God permits.

A one last self photo at where we terminated our hike. 
From here we turned back

After taking some videos and photographs in the area, we hit the trail going back to Tangadan falls.

Before the concreted steps area, around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, on the mountainside trail going down to Tangadan Falls, we came across again of some of the "model-actresses" on their struggle of the gruesome uphill hike for the road above as they have finished their "video-shoot" and they were leaving. From the looks of it, they were very tired and one of them rode and carried at the back of their male companion.

From Tangadan Falls where we parted ways with our guide "Harry", after hitting again the Duplas-river route, we rode a tricycle to downtown San Gabriel and from there we rode a jeep going back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Note: there might be errors and discrepancies on the waterfall's local names given.

For our 4th attempt CLICK HERE
For our First attempt CLICK HERE
For our Second attempt CLICK HERE

Please visit the San Gabriel Municipal hall
As of September 2016, every visitors are required to register and pay a certain fee at the San Gabriel PNP (Police) office.

Video Part 1

Video Part 2

Note: There are some discrepancies as to the specific locations on the map

© All original content copyright sparkPLUG, 2012-2015. Please ask permission for content use.

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