Thursday, August 10, 2017

They call it, "SANGBAY LOVE"


"After some long-heavy rainy days during rainy season, this small waterfall comes alive, providing water to irrigate nearby farms. 
It is said that the place is a favorite among lovers"

Please let us practice the LNT (Leave No Trace) outdoor ethics/principles when going to these nature places.
Manage our waste products properly (pack it in, pack it out), don't leave your trash. Let us not vandalize/write/etch on its rock surfaces as well as on trees. Be respectful of the community's culture and traditions.

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-my pagnapagna-
(August 10, 2017 a Thursday)

Yesterday, while I was listening to the radio on the AM band, I heard the lady anchor mentioned about the waterfalls in Bauang, La Union and the following day I decided to visit that waterfall.
It was around six o'clock in the morning when I rode a jeep going to nearby town of Bauang.
At downtown Bauang, I began to walk going east, asking directions along the way.
I rested at a waiting shed near an Elementary School at an intersection in Barangay Lower San Agustin and met a lady going to work and asked about the waterfalls. Afterwards, she rode on a carrier tricycle going to the same direction I was going to and went out of sight at the road bend.
I continued walking. Walked until I reached the Barangay Hall of Upper San Agustin or USA. I saw the lady again as she was sweeping the cemented grounds fronting the Barangay hall. I found out that she was a BHW (Barangay Health worker) named "Flor" and she gave me the direction going to the waterfalls. I thank her and I went on my way.
From the Barangay Hall, I continued walking on the concrete road and right-turned at the first branching concrete road. Continued walking and left-turned on an earth road that eventually turned into a trail along some farm lots and into the waterfalls.

The Waterfalls
It is a series of short cascades wherein its waters are tapped for irrigating the mountainside fields. It has a main 15 feet (more or less) cascade that drops to a small bowl or pool area. A noticeable light-colored sediment covers the rocks and bedrocks along the course of the waterfalls.
Locally named "Sangbay Love" wherein "Sangbay" is an Iloco (Ilocano dialect) general term for waterfalls. They added the "Love" as this waterfall is a favorite meeting place for lovers. Yes it is very conducive for lovers or for any visitor to linger around as the place is mostly shaded by trees.

at the "main" cascade of the waterfalls

one of the upper cascades

I met some people along the stream, to whom I asked if there were other waterfalls around the area. They told me about the waterfalls called "Sangbay" located at the Barangay Lower San Agustin.
After taking some videos and photographs of the waterfalls, I left the area and went back to the vicinity of the Barangay Hall of Upper San Agustin.

-end of pagnapagna-
(To be continued on the next post)

The radio station I listened to was Bombo Radyo San Fernando, La Union.

For other posts on Bauang:

Along the way

"Sangbay Love"


Subject: Waterfalls of Upper San Agustin a.k.a. "Sangbay Love"
Barangay Upper San Agustin
Municipality of Bauang
Province of La Union
How to get there:


 © All Original Content Copyright 2017 pagnapagna, All Rights Reserved. Ask permission before using content!


  1. Thank you sir! Nagadu nasursor kon ngay gapu kenka, nagmayat! :)
