Saturday, June 3, 2017



"Located at the remote barangay Sapdaan, this waterfall is said to be the highest of Santol's waterfalls"

Please let us practice the LNT (Leave No Trace) outdoor ethics/principles when going to these nature places.
Manage our waste products properly (pack it in, pack it out), don't leave your trash. Let us not vandalize/write/etch on its rock surfaces as well as on trees. Be respectful of the community's culture and traditions.

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-my pagnapagna-
(June 2, 2017 a Friday)

At the municipality of Balaoan, at the southeastern side of the church (right side of the church when facing it and near its back end), the tricycles bound for the nearby eastern municipality which is Santol have their parking area there. The one bound for Santol are the ones with yellow color and can accommodate 5 to 6 passengers. I rode on one of these that departed Balaoan at 8:14 am and arrived at Santol town proper at 8:38 am.
I was determined to see the Puy-ocan Falls which is said to be located at one of the remote barangays of Santol. Hence, I needed assistance from their Tourism officer and it was also to follow their advisory to visit first their tourism office when going to their tourism sites.
Gerone Navaera, the tourism officer of  Santol assisted me in getting a passenger motorbike. He was very accommodating and I was just very thankful of him.
With a driver, I rode the motorbike that departed downtown Santol at 9:20 am. It went on along that uphill road and passed by the intersection going to the "Pimmalangka and Bulalakaw Falls". It went further and farther until our bike can't manage the road anymore. The uphill road were getting rough and rugged due to previous rains that had washed away surface soil revealing the pebbles and rocks that made it even harder to navigate. He decided to just park his motorbike at a nearby Barangay Health Center and we started walking at 9:59 am.
Uphill walking is one of my weakness. With a backpack that slowing me down, I still kept walking but rested many times along the way.
We made it to the top of a hill amidst the small residential area at Sitio Bay-o of Barangay Sasaba (10:44 am). A short rest at a shed then we went walking again.
Along the way, just before the Sapdaan barangay proper, we passed by workers fixing the damaged earth road. It seemed that there were some landslides that took place. At that area, the view was panoramic as one can see the distant mountains of Benguet particularly that of the municipality of Kibungan complete with waterfalls that caressed the mountainside going down to the obscured Amburayan River below.
We walked further and finally, we arrived at the vicinity of the Puy-ocan Falls (11:36 am).

Puy-ocan Falls
Located just before the barangay proper of Sapdaan wherein, Sapdaan is the farthest barangay of Santol, this horsetail waterfall had cuts its way on a mountain rock cliff side and plunges to a height of about 70 feet or more. I heard that its water is greatly lessened towards and during the summer season so, it may not be a good time to visit the waterfalls during and towards summer.

After I took photographs, videos and ate a lite snack of hamburgers, we departed the area at 12:30.
It was tougher going back as the noon sun was at its hottest. Along the way, it got gloomy and moments later, it rained lightly as we managed to get back at Sitio Bay-o (1:32 pm) where we waited for the rain to stop. It eventually stopped and we continued walking our way back to where he parked his motorbike (2:04 pm). From there, on the motorbike, we arrived at downtown Santol (2:40 pm).
It was another nature filled day for me as I departed the municipality of Santol, bound for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Other Posts:

Many Thanks to: 
Gerone Navaera (Santol Tourism officer)
Cesar Corpuz (Tourist guide/ motorbike driver)


Subject: Puy-ocan Falls
Barangay Sapdaan
Municipality of Santol
Province of La Union
How to get there:
From Manila, ride a bus bound for any of these North western Luzon places: Laoag City-Ilocos Norte, Vigan City- Ilocos Sur, Candon City-Ilocos Sur and Bangued-Abra but you have to get down at the town of  Balaoan (two more towns after San Fernando City) in the province of La Union.
At Balaoan, take a tricycle ride going to Santol. Their parking area is located somewhere in-between the Church and the Public Market.
At Santol town proper, look for their Tourism officer at their Municipal Hall or Santol Tourism & Investment Promotion Center, 2nd floor STIPC Building (near the Public Market) and ask for assistance (Hotline: 072-6030154).


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  1. Ayos sir mga videos mo. Ano video editor niyo sir?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
