Thursday, April 20, 2017

"BULALAKAW" Falls of Bagulin


"One of  La Union's waterfalls wherein it has water flowing even during the hot summer days"

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-my pagnapagna-
(April 19, 2017 a Wednesday)

After some 25 minutes of tricycle ride from Naguilian (La Union), I finally arrived at Bagulin town proper (6:31 am). The road was 90 percent newly concreted and widened.
After a light breakfast at a local "carinderia", I went looking for passenger motorbikes at the back of the Municipal Hall, but i did not see any single one parked in the area. It must have been still too early in the morning, so I just sat at the concrete plant box beside the Municipal hall and waited.
 Earlier, I was planning to get to the waterfalls area through the road going to Sitio Beto by walking. But I changed my mind and instead I was going there through a passenger motorbike.
Some 15 minutes passed and sir Marquez Balisbis arrived for work. He was the one I met on my visit to the Alabok (Kedlap) Burial Cave (October 4, 2013) and works at the Agricultural Sector of the Municipality.
Since I can't find any passenger motorbikes around, I again asked for his assistance and also for some information about the waterfalls I was going to visit. He, together with a lady employee of the Municipal Hall confirmed of the waterfall's existence and they helped me configure a way to get there. 
Together with the driver of the passenger motorbike, we went on to that uphill road (the one going to Barangay Tagudtud) (7:56 am). It was quite a steep road as we went downhill towards the river area and there I was at the drop-off area (8:30 am). I paid the driver and after he showed me the way going down to the river, he left.

The passenger motorbike driver at the road just above the Balili river
Luckily, on my way, I get to be with two locals who were going to catch fish down the river. They showed me where to walk going to the waterfalls.
At some portions, the path was almost paved with the stones. The waterfalls must have been a busy area during the past Holy Week and these summer days.
After crossing the river with a single log bridge (with bamboo pole handrail), and walking along a paved path, there it was the waterfalls by the river. By the way, that bridge will eventually be gone during the rainy season when the river will wildly swells.

The Waterfalls
It is a small waterfall (horsetail type) of some maybe 30+ feet drop. It has a basin where one can swim. At that time, there was a bamboo raft laid around the flat bedrock (another sign that it was a busy area during these summer days). Just above the waterfalls was a small hanging bridge which is used by locals going to their farmlands. The waterfall has a substantial amount of water even during these hot summer days.

The lower cascade of the waterfalls before it joins with the river.

As the sun rises, it got hotter. I changed my "outfit" from a tee-shirt into long-sleeves as a protection from the damaging UV rays.
After taking photographs, videos and that heat making me uneasy, I left the area (10:56 am). 
I went back to the road and walked my way (11:04 am). This time taking that road going to Sitio Beto it was an all uphill walk. My sunhat was of no use against the nearly hot noon sun, I was glad I brought an umbrella ☺.

Looking back, along the way.

With constant rest and drinks of water, I kept walking scaling my way up. Along the way, I bought a soft drink at a sari-sari store and refilled my almost empty water bottle (12 noon).

One of the section of the road going up back to the main road that leads back to Bagulin town proper.

After a seemingly endless uphill road walk, it was a relief seeing that I made it to the intersection at the main road above (1:01 pm). There, I was now determined to walk my way down to downtown Bagulin even if there were some passenger motorbikes and tricycles passing by.
After that long walk, I finally made it to downtown Bagulin (2:32 pm) and went to their covered court to rest and change a sweaty clothing.
After that much needed rest, I went inside the Municipal Hall. Thanks to sir Orlando an Agricultural Technologist and another lady Municipal employee, I got to know the specific name of  the Barangay/Sitio of its location as well as the waterfalls' name.
It was a great day! I rode back to Naguilian and back for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Thanks to: 
LGU Bagulin
-M. Balisbis
and to the two lady employees.

For other posts:
Loslosi Falls (Dry during summer days)

Subject: "Bulalakaw" Falls
Location: Sitio Santol
Barangay Alibangsay
Municipality of Bagulin
Province of La Union
How to get there:
The waterfalls is located at Barangay Alibangsay wherein the river is the boundary to the other barangay. 
Going there is through the other side of the river at Sitio Sabatan of Barangay Baay.
Please VISIT THE BAGULIN MUNICIPAL HALL particularly their Tourism office for more information or the Bagulin PNP Station (Police).


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