Friday, September 23, 2016

San Lorenzo Ruiz Shrine : (My Two Days in Abra)

"While editing the video for this post, I thought for a while, this is good for a Halloween post. But that was just a thought"

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-my pagnapagna-
(September 17, 2016 a Saturday)

After coming from their public market, I was at their cemetery.
Now, what was I doing in their cemetery? The old brick structure was what I came there for.
I stood in front of the structure and tried to look for a place where I can sit down and do my sketching. I did not find any comfortable spot and the facade seems so complicated to draw, ha ha!
The door of the structure was closed at that time but the gate of the fence was open. I passed through the gate that opened into the cemetery. I went farther back to where there was a tree and under its shade I sat down, bring out my pens and paper, and began to sketch.
There were men working at a mausoleum nearby so I felt no fear as I was not alone at the cemetery otherwise I just have gotten some photographs and left.
I've finished one sketch and did another one of the north belfry.
 For my sketches CLICK HERE

San Lorenzo Ruiz Shrine
This is an old chapel at the cemetery, a large one that is made up of bricks. It has two attached belfries, one on each sides.

After I've done with my sketch, photographed and videoed the structure, I went back to the hotel where I'll be staying (around 2 o'clock in the afternoon) and readied for my travel to nearby municipality of Tayum still in the province of Abra.

-end of pagnapagna-

For my travel to the municipaliy of Tayum CLICK HERE
For Kaparkan Falls CLICK HERE
For my Bangued market walk CLICK HERE

 Subject: San Lorenzo Ruiz Shrine
     Location: Municipality of Bangued,
                      Province of Abra
     How to get there:


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