Saturday, September 24, 2016

[Monument #4]: "METAMORPHOSIS"


"A symbolic carabao monument"

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-my pagnapagna-
(September 15, 2016 a Thursday)

Along the national highway, on my way to San Nicolas, Pangasinan, I came across this monument at the corner of 168 mall.
It is a male carabao in a "ready to defend" pose with sheets of water flowing at the walls of its backdrop and as well on its pedestal.

The Urdaneta City landmark was constructed under the administration of Mayor Amadeo Gregorio E. Perez IV and inaugurated on 4 May 2011, The sculpture was created by Ram Mamalio, a local artist.

Strong, resilient, the carabao weighs over ten times a man and wields a
strength even greater than its mighty heft. The carabao is a blessing to man and a
creature of legendary qualities. It is also the embodiment of a city that had gone from
strength to strength like water that gives life, the cattle trade gave life to the city's economy.

This sculpture symbolizes Urdaneta's strong economy, its stability, its modernization. It also symbolizes the uncommon resolve of Urdanetanians, their abiding resilience in trying times, their heroic readiness to face the challenges. Constantly adapting to the ebb and flow of the inconstant economic tides. Through good governance by its officials under the leadership of its mayor and the cooperation  of its constituents, 
Metamorphosis is well underway - the once sleepy entrepot for cattle trading
resolutely, rapidly, resoundingly turning into vibrant metropolis.

-end of pagnapagna- 

For Monument #1 Eagle of the North CLICK HERE
For Monument #2 Bacsil Ridge CLICK HERE
For Monument #3 Dambana CLICK HERE

     Subject: "Metamorphosis"
     Location: City of Urdaneta,
                      Province of Pangasinan
     How to get there:


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