Wednesday, April 27, 2016


"I was going for an outdoor sketching that day and fortunately, I got to see Lipit"
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-my pagnapagna-
(April 26, 2016 a Tuesday)

I started walking along the Dagup trail (river trail) going to Tangadan Falls.
Halfway along the trail, I sat down on a bench at a makeshift store overlooking the diving area of the river. That was the second most popular part of the river for it has a natural pool area deep enough for diving. If I was not mistaken that place was called "diso-or".
With a sign pen and a paper, I started sketching.

After I was done with my sketch, I hit the trail again.
At a certain point along the trail, just before the river crossing, I noticed it was now diverted to go up at the elevated area and pass through a store. Hmm, it was kind of uneasy to just walk-by, as if one was expected to buy something from their store.
I finally arrived at the cottages area of Tangadan falls.
"Anya ngay kadwa? Nabayag ka mut nga haan inmay" (Hey friend? Its been a long time since you came), a voice from my back greeted me as I walked. I turned my head back to see that it was "Harry".
He then invited me to see another part of the river called "Lipit".
I was hesitant at first. But, well, that was an opportunity for me to see another interesting part of the river system. I ended up walking along the trail again to see the place they call "lipit" with "Harry" leading the way.
At the trail on the mountainside, there were parts where it was very steep that the powdery dry soil makes it more difficult to climb, aggravated by the dry leaves that covered it.
While at the river, there were parts where we would maneuver our way along the boulders. We would hop on top of one to the other or climb to those large boulders just to get to the other side.
Of course I trailed behind. As usual ☹
We finally arrived at a cascade that feeds a natural bowl area. Its waters were clear enough to see its deep bottom. It then overflowed to a series of small cascades.

It was just a hot summer day that I can't resist having a shower on one of its cascades.
As if the heat fizzled down as I took a shower. It was so refreshing.
Although the cascades were small, I can sit inside under its falling waters and just relax with the falling waters as a shield.
Afterwards, we went farther up, maneuvering our way to the pile of big boulders.
After that pile of big boulders, there it was the "LIPIT".

"Lipit" is an Ilocano/Iloco term for narrow.

It was a gorge or a canyon that was becoming narrower at the far distance.
After climbing some more at the sides of the cliff, we came to a rest along a flatter surface overlooking to that narrowing gorge.
We rested at the base of the cliff where it was safer from rocks that might fall from the cliffs.
It was a sight. Two monumental stone cliffs at both sides and once in awhile, like confetti, dry leaves fell down slowly as they gently swayed through the air and glistened as sun shone on them.
Well, some good things doesn't last forever and this one was no exception.
We hit the trail going back to the Tangadan falls.
At Tangadan falls, people were now crowding.
"Harry" went back to do his work while I went to do a sketch of Tangadan falls.

After I finished my sketch, I went back to walk along the river trail going back to barangay Dagup. There I rode a tricycle going to downtown San Gabriel, rode a jeep going to San Fernando and eventually back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Please visit the San Gabriel Municipal Hall
As of September 2016, every visitors are required to register and pay a certain fee at the San Gabriel PNP (Police) office.

Subject : "Lipit"
Location:  Municipality of San Gabriel
                 Province of La Union
How to get there:

 © All original content copyright sparkPLUG, 2012-2016. Please ask permission for content use.

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