Thursday, February 25, 2016

Overlooking view of San Fernando City (La Union)

"There is a different feeling when places are viewed at a distance and at a higher ground"

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-my pagnapagna-

With the construction of the pedestrian overpasses at the City center, as one uses them, they are given a different view of the area at a higher ground and they became favorite lingering places to some of the public.

Aside from these overpasses, there are some buildings high enough where there would be a good overlooking view of the downtown but they are uneasily available as most of them are privately owned.

The view of the "Regent" building from the pedestrian overpass 
located at the major street intersection.

But even before these buildings and overpasses were constructed, there were two public places in the city where one has an overlooking view of the downtown area. 

"Christ the Redeemer"
Located on a hill northeast of downtown San Fernando where the water reservoir of the local water district is located, is a small park where its main edifice is a tall but not as tall as the towering communication towers in its vicinity, in fact overshadowed by the towers, is the statue of Christ the Redeemer.
At its base is the viewing area and the steps leading to it has "stations of the cross".

"Filipino-Chinese Friendship Pagoda"
At the eastern side of downtown San Fernando, just before the Provincial Capitol Building of La Union, is a Chinese pagoda favourited by joggers, lovers and tourists. It is locally and popularly known as "Pagoda". 
It has a view of the downtown, the distant Poro Point where the Thunderbird Resort is, the San Fernando bay and the northeastern mountains.

These two public places in the City of San Fernando, La Union are open to the public with no fees to pay and all you need to do is to go up on a hill to these parks.

-end of pagnapagna-

Subject : Christ the Redeemer
Location:  City of San Fernando
                 Province of La Union
How to get there:

Subject : Filipino-Chinese Friendship Pagoda
Location:  City of San Fernando
                 Province of La Union

How to get there:

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  1. Trip down memory lane. I remember these areas when they were "younger" and I much younger. Good to see that they have weathered time.
