Monday, December 21, 2015

Back in December : Tiger Grass Broom Trade and Tangadan Falls

"Visiting again San Gabriel. A glimpse of their tiger grass broom trade and back again at the most visited waterfall of La Union after a rainy day in December"


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-my pagnapagna-
(December 20, 2015 a Sunday)

From downtown San Fernando City, I rode a jeep going to San Gabriel.
At San Gabriel, I went to look around.
It was their designated market day so I went inside their public market.
Afterwards I went to their Municipal hall. As I was taking videos, I came across of this jeep filled with tiger grass brooms (soft brooms) and passengers. I went to look where it was going.
I found it inside their Gymnasium at the back of their Municipal Hall.
I talked to one of the owners of the brooms seated along the bleachers of the gymnasium. He was from mountain barangay of San Gabriel which is Apayao.
A bundle of broom which comprises of 60 pieces are sold from 3,800 to 4,100 Php (Philippine pesos) depending upon the need and supply. If the prices were too low they decide not to sell and store them in a nearby building for around 5 to 10 pesos per bundle per day. This is true also when no prospect buyers are around. The tradings are usually done during their market days which is Sundays.

"Bassit a daytoy, mapunno a ditoy nu mga Marso ken Abril" (This is small, this will be filled during March and April) he said about the peak of broom trading in San Gabriel. Now that something to look forward to for travelers and photographers like me.

After my "broom encounter", I rode a tricycle going to barangay Duplas for the Tangadan falls.
There were some foreign tourists swimming when I arrived at the waterfalls area. I took my spot on the boulder fronting the pool area and started sketching.

For the full sketch CLICK HERE

The foreign tourists started leaving when the visitors started to add up. I just took my time sketching and enjoying the area.
A family from South Africa arrived and they also went swimming.
Afterwards there was slight commotion at the viewing area. Few minutes later, Philippine actress "Bela Padilla" and company went down to the pool area swimming and riding on the bamboo raft. It was just some 15 minutes to half an hour and they left afterwards.
I continued sketching and few times people come to see what I was doing.
I'm done with my sketch and went to talk to "Harry", the maintenance man of Tangadan Falls and we went to see Aluy-oyan falls (Aloy-uyan).
An hour later, after coming from the Aluy-oyan falls, at Tangadan falls, I readied for another hike going back to barangay Duplas and bound for Home sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

For Aloy-uyan Falls CLICK HERE
For my very first visit (2012) to Tangadan Falls CLICK HERE

Crazy, shaky video on the way to Tangadan Falls. 

Please visit the San Gabriel Municipal Hall
As of September 2016, every visitors are required to register and pay a certain fee at the San Gabriel PNP (Police) office.

Subject   : TANGADAN Falls 
Location : Barangay Amontoc
                 (Boundary with Bagulin)
                 Municipality of San Gabriel
                 Province of La Union

How to get there:

From Manila take a bus bound to any of these: Laoag, Vigan, Candon, Abra . Get down to any of these places in La Union namely: San Fernando, San Juan or Bacnotan Then from there get a jeepney bound for San Gabriel.
And when in San Gabriel, La Union: (There are two routes you can choose from)

A) Amontoc via Sitio Kilat (This was my route Shown above)
-This takes about 3 hours if you are going to hike it from downtown (uphill on cemented road and believe me it's very tiring ... good for hikers) . When you get to sitio Kilat of Barangay Bumbuneg get the uphill road going to barangay Amontoc and when you reach a point where the road ends, ask for directions going down to the falls (there are only one or two houses there) .

Fastest way:
-At downtown San Gabriel, you can also get a Backseat ride on a single motor bike going up to the drop off point (end of the road) then take some 10 to 15 minutes downhill hike to the falls below.

B) via Bucao, Duplas (river trail)
-This is a "Nature hike" and have to walk along rocky riverside and crossing the river on top of rocks or at knee deep waters depending upon the season (it gets deeper during rainy season and may not even be passable).
From downtown San Gabriel, hire a tricycle to bring you to Duplas which passes through barangay Bucao  Just tell the tricycle driver that you are going to the Drop-off point to Tangadan Falls at barangay Duplas -upper
 (Duplas is a part of San Juan, La Union) near Dagup. Ask direction in the area and take a hike for an average of 1 hour.

 © All original content copyright sparkPLUG, 2012-2015. Please ask permission for content use.

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