Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bridal Veil Falls

"It really looked like a veil on a 5 storey high drop"

-my pagnapagna-
(December 10, 2015 a Thursday)

At Kennon Road, we started walking in the direction towards Rosario, La Union where we passed-by the Bridal Veil falls earlier that morning on our way to the Colorado Falls
It was hard to walk along that section of Kennon road for generally there were no obvious sidewalks and the cars were running fast.
After 2 kilometers or more, there it was again unveiling its way down on a mountainside across the river along Kennon road. It can be seen from along the road and if you want to get closer, it can be accessed through a hanging bridge that crosses the river.

The waiting shed near the base of the waterfalls and a two storey residential house.

We went to the other side to get a closer look and sat under the shade of a two storey concrete house.
After a while, a resident of the house arrived. From my understanding they own the area where the waterfalls is. We asked if there are more cascades above it and he said yes but the trail is very dangerous. He conversed with our companions "Christopher" and "Rene" while I went down near its base.
Then visitors came in a group. They enjoyed taking pictures of the waterfalls as much as we did. Then it was time to go home.
We walked back through the hanging bridge and the visitors followed. They left in their private car while we waited and waited some more before we got a tricycle ride going back to Rosario, La Union where we had a late lunch at the place of our companion "Christopher".

-end of pagnapagna-

Thank you to our new AGLAUN (Artist Guild of La Union) member Christopher Nidoy for showing us the two of the waterfalls of Kennon road and of course the heavy lunch we had.

For the Colorado Falls CLICK HERE
For the Hydro 2 Falls CLICK HERE

Subject : Bridal Veil Falls
Location:  Kennon Road, 
                 Barangay of (Camp1) Tabaan Sur
                 Municipality of Tuba
                 Province of Benguet
How to get there:

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