Monday, August 31, 2015

Kilat-Amontoc route Part 3/3 - TANGADAN FALLS

"This was my 3rd and last part of my 3 post of my 'pagnapagna' from downtown San Gabriel, La Union up to Tangadan Falls"


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-my pagnapagna-
Part 3/3
(August 26, 2015 Wednesday)

After coming from Kilat falls and "Batong Burlas" area, I started walking again on an uphill road going to barangay Amontoc.
At Sitio Siwsiwan, the road was closed to vehicular traffic due to road concreting.
I walked farther for about an hour and finally arrived at the waterfalls area. 
At one of the sheds by the concrete steps were two men in their 50's (one of them is probably a Japanese) and they were eating. Walked down further to the end of the concrete steps, at another shed, I saw "Harry" the caretaker of the area and they have just finished eating. His companion was the guide of the two men I saw earlier.
Down by the river, fronting the waterfalls, were three visitors in their twenties together with their guide from the municipal hall. They were having their photographs taken. Their guide was equipped with rescue rope and everyone of them was provided with a torpedo rescue buoy with grab handles. "Harry" told me that they had just arrived few minutes earlier before me. They used the river route (via Duplas) and they had hard time crossing the deep river. These three guys were on the same passenger jeep i rode on going to San Gabriel earlier that morning. They came from the surfing area at San Juan, La Union.

Few minutes later, the three, together with their guide left the area via the mountain route. 
The mountain route may be tiring but safer than the river route at this time of the year since its rainy season, the river is deep and flash flood is an imminent danger specially on the afternoons.
The two men came down from the sheds and had their photographs taken at the waterfalls, after which they also left same way as they came via the mountain route.

the two men looking at Tangadan falls

"Harry" stayed for a while but later on he informed me that he will be leaving. I said to him that I will be staying for an hour more just to do an sketch of the waterfall and he eventually left the area.
Not a single soul was in site, got the area to myself, got my paper on a clipboard then pens and I started sketching. Once in a while, I looked back at the sheds at concrete steps, I think I heard murmurs. The deepness of the area as it is between two mountains and the sounds from the waterfalls makes an indistinct sounds.
Few minutes after two o'clock in the afternoon, I think I'm done with my sketch. 

my sketch
For my sketch CLICK HERE

I got to hit the mountain route to be able to catch the last trip bound for San Fernando City.
A tiring all uphill walk, I was able to make it to the waiting shed at sitio Bulala where the passenger motorbikes were parked. 

the usual drop-off area of passenger motorbikes at sitio Bulala

There, I rode a passenger motorbike until sitio Siwsiwan as there was this road concreting. 

at sitio Siwsiwan the road is under construction

From there, I can ride another passenger motorbike but since there was still time and to save money, I decided to walk my way down until sitio Kilat. 
At sitio Kilat, I had a rest while waiting for a tricycle to pass-by. I rode one going to downtown San Gabriel and finally rode a jeep back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-


Summary on my Kilat-Amontoc route:
6:22 am - At San Gabriel town proper and started walking
7:06 am - arrived at Sito Kilat and went to see Kilat Falls
8:18 am - left Kilat Falls and went to see "Batong burlas"
8:30 am - arrived at "Batong Burlas"
9:02 am - left sito Kilat and started walking uphill to Amontoc
10:10  am - arrived at Sitio Siwsiwan
10: 37 am - arrived at the waiting shed where passenger motorbikes stops and parks at sitio Bulala
11:01 am - at residential area going down the river
11:15 am - at Tangadan Falls
2:10 pm - Left Tangadan falls and started walking up
2:25 pm - at residential area
3:00 pm - at waiting shed where passenger motorbikes stops and parks  at sitio Bulala and rode one of them going to sitio Siwsiwan
3:17 pm - arrived at sitio Siwsiwan (Road under construction) and started walking
4:02 pm - arrived at sitio Kilat and rode a tricycle going San Gabriel town proper


For Part 1 of 3 - "Kilat Falls and Upper Cascades" CLICK HERE
For Part 2 of 3 - "Batong Burlas" CLICK HERE
For my first visit to the Tangadan Falls dated July 2012  CLICK HERE

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