Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sangbay of Naguilian, La Union and a walk around town

"I guess it was still too early to be chasing waterfalls even when the rainy season had started"

This was my second time to go in the area. My first one was last January of this year together with the husband of my cousin who resides at the nearby barangay of Gusing Norte. We did not reached the Sangbay Falls at that time.

Photogtaphs taken during our previous trek last January 2015
I went back this time together with a hiking buddy.

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-my pagnapagna-

From the Naguilian Public Market, we rode a tricycle going to the barangay of Gusing Sur.
At the Gusing Sur barangay hall, we were greeted by Ma'am Corazon Ico who was a barangay health worker. Although she has never been at the Sangbay, she told us that we can just walk our way up along the creek to get to the said waterfalls. 

At the Gusing Sur Barangay Hall.

We thanked her and went eastward along a cemented road going to the creek at the foot of the hills.
The creek has a small amount of water flowing at that time. At first, we walked on top of rocks going upstream then the rocks became large boulders as we went farther. As we approached the waterfall area, rocks became fewer and the solid rock riverbed was exposed. Most of the time, we walked cautiously as not to skid or slide on the slippery parts of the riverbed. We walked farther and saw a waterfall.
It was a small waterfall and not that high.
We rested and took some photograph and videos of it.

At the small waterfall.

We were not sure if that was the Sangbay? We were having second thoughts.

Hail pose? Let there be more water! Well... It did not worked.
I guess it was still too early for chasing waterfalls 
even when the rainy season had started.

Not convinced that that was the Sangbay, we went further up through a trail at the left side of the small waterfall and clang on some sturdy roots of a tree. 
On top of the waterfalls, we walked some few meters going further upstream and noticed that there were some clearings above by the riverside. We went up and saw farmlands and at a distance was a house.
 Two ladies came walking by in their farming attire. 

We inquired at these two friendly ladies who happened to pass by.

They confirmed that the waterfall we just have been was the Sangbay falls and that there were no more waterfalls further upstream. We also learned from them that we can walk on that mountain trail connecting to a road.
"Ney, maymayat daytoy en a ta haan ta nga magna manen dyay waig pababa idiay batbato" (Hey, this is better than walking back to the rocky creek), I said to my companion.
We walked on that trail and to our surprise it does connect to a one-lane road. 

A one lane dirt road.
A roadside waiting shed at sitio Mangkaeng of barangay Gusing Sur.

 We went further down the road until we reached the main road where we rode a tricycle going back to the supermarket.

The Naguilian Commercial Center where most of the dry goods are sold.
Naguilian Public Market where most of the vegetables and fruits are sold.
Naguilian Food Court where obviously the cooked foods are served at the second floor. 
Ground floor is the meat/fish section.

Then we went to the church and beside it was the convent. 

The Convent and office of Saint Augustine of Hippo parish
Saint Augustine of Hippo parish church.

Fronting the church was their plaza complex. 

Naguilian town plaza arch.
The Senior Children's park. 
The Senior Citizen -NGO  center building is located inside the park.
Fronting the St. Augustine of Hippo church is the town's plaza.

After which, we went to their Municipal Hall. 

Naguilian Municipal hall.

Just nearby was the bus stop where we rode a mini-bus going back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Subject   : Sangbay (Falls)
Location : Barangay Gusing Sur
                Municipality of Naguilian
                Province of La Union

© Copyright 2015

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