Sunday, May 8, 2022

Revisiting the Balaoan Watchtower



"Revisting an old structure at Barangay Almeida, Balaoan. La Union"

Please, let us practice the "LEAVE NO TRACE" (LNT) outdoor ethics.
Let us not vandalize, etch or write on its natural surfaces such as rocks and bark of trees.
Manage our waste products properly. Do not leave your garbage behind, bring it with you
when there is no proper disposal in the area. Do not litter!
Respect wildlife, "nature" and the local culture.
Minimize our impact!
Safety should be our priority!

-my pagnapagna-
April 29,2022 a Friday

It was a hot morning as I arrived at the Central Jeepney Terminal at Barangay Tanqui here in San Fernando City, La Union.
Need to show a NAPANAM card to get inside the terminal and ride a jeep. "NAPANAM" is an ilocano term which means "Where have you been?". This is the centralized Covid-19 tracking system of the Province of La Union that uses QR code to monitor the places visited and contact listings of an individual.
As other routes were populated with waiting passengers. I noticed that I was still alone at the waiting area bound for the town of Luna. Few minutes later, one by one, some passengers arrived as someone also came to collect fares. I paid 50 pesos.
At 8:58 that morning, the jeep finally departed even if it was not yet filled with passengers. Anyway, it picked up passengers along the way.
The jeep's route was from San Fernando City, it took the Diversion road exiting at San Juan going to Bacnotan all the way to the "Bitalag" junction. From there, it turned left and took the road that passes by the Holcim (Cement Factory). Further along the road, it passed the area to the "Immuki Island" and the stretch of a man-made forest.
 To get more info, I told the driver that I will be going to the watchtower, for there might be some changes on to where to enter from the roadside as these watchtowers were already recognized as cultural treasures and automatically be a tourist spot.
 The driver said "Ay idiay pay a (further there)" pertaining to a watchtower of a beach resort. A passenger also said "idiay a Baluarte (there at Baluarte)" pertaining to the Baluarte watchtower at Luna.
I knew that I was at my destination when I saw the "Navalta Beach" painted on a wall fence at a road bend and the bridge that leads to Luna after, I told the driver that I'll go down from there.
I walked some 200 meters going back to the place where I knew was the entrance going to the sea side and from there to the watchtower. Arriving at the entrance, I saw the sign "Private Property" so I had second thoughts. I passed the area and went further and saw a roadside opening among the lush forest. It looked enticing as it was cleared with plant life. A wide trail that might lead to the seashore. I stepped out of the road side and walked into the trail. It was a nice walk and can hear the chuckling at a nearby chicken farm. 
As I was going farther, I noticed that the trail is getting narrow and at times it seemed to be dispersing and blending with the forest growth but still a manageable trail.
Enjoying my lonesome walking, I was surprised to came face to face with two people. I thought, I was alone. On their hand was a fishing rod. They greeted me and at first, I thought that they already done fishing."Adda pagnaan ditoy nong? (Is there a way here sir?)", they asked. 
"Ay hanko ammo hannak taga ditoy (I don't know, I'm not from here)", i answered.
"Dead end mut, awan mut dalan en dita (Dead end, there's no more trail there)", they told me as they hurriedly passed me by.
Upon hearing what they said, I also turned around and followed them back to the road.

At the roadside, I went back to where there is the "Private property" sign and asked the person selling fish nearby if that was the way to the seashore and he confirmed it.
The two fishermen I met followed me as they rode on a motorcycle.

I finally arrived at the seashore and walked towards the watchtower few meters away going south.

The watchtower which is generally made up of bricks is still on its previous state as seen back in 2013 when I first visited it. Cracks are visible and on it grew vegetation. A marker is now placed near the entrance of the watchtower.'s cleared immediate surrounding.

Moments later, I saw the two fishermen at a distant fishing.
It was maybe 10 minutes later that the two of them went out of the water and came to the watchtower where I was. We talked and learned that they came all the way from the town of Rosario (Rosario is the first town of La Union when coming from the south while Balaoan is the 10th town) just to go fishing (I think it was their hobby). We talked more and later on they left while a "bangka" (local boat) of tourist arrived. They came to visit the Structure.
Selfies and more photo time... they had their moments at the watchtower.
Afterwards, they also left.
Alone at the watchtower, in the heat of the scorching sun, I went inside and sat under its shadow where it was cooler but it was still hot. I tried to draw/sketch, started it but I can't finish it. I can't concentrate.
After taking some photographs and videos, I decided to leave the place.

 I went back to the roadside and went to the man-made forest afterwards, walked towards the bridge to take some photographs but then what do I see? It's a jeepney bound for San Fernando! Got on that jeep and that ended my journey as I went back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

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