Saturday, January 27, 2018



"There was no easy way to PARADISE and leaving was the hardest part (physically and emotionally)"

Safety should be your priority.
Please let us practice the Leave-No-Trace (LNT) outdoor ethics when going to these places.
Let us not write/etch on its natural surfaces and manage our garbage properly. Don't leave them behind (pack it out-pack it in). No Vandalism! 
Respect the culture of the place.

-my pagnapagna-
(January 25, 2018 a Thursday)

I woke up at around 3 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep anymore. I was so excited for that day's adventure.
I got up and readied my backpack. I removed the things that I won't be needing for my hike to lessen the weight.
At around 6 o'clock am, I left "Green Amkaweng" (name of the place where I slept/stayed for the night). The caretaker accompanied me to the road above which was the Halsema Highway.
I rode a passenger van bound for Bontoc but after some 15 minutes+, I alighted at an intersecting road near a Fire Station (Substation) in barangay Sadsadan along the Halsema Highway.

As seen from Halsema Highway overlooking the barangay area shrouded with early morning fog

I texted the guide whom Ma'am Arsenia (Bauko Tourism officer) coordinated the other day when I visited Bauko Municipal Hall but he replied that there will be another one who will be going with me and his name was Dicawan.
I asked the people around if one of them was the guide but it was none of them. One of them on a motorcycle offered to accompany me going down to where the house of the guide and so we went on that downhill rough road (Sadsadan-Bansa farm to market road).
I finally met the guide and he invited me to go first at their house as to prepare his things for the hike.
At their residence, we had coffee while we waited for the rice to be cooked.
After he had packed the necessary things, we left (7:55 am).
We continued walking on that rough road going downhill. It was a long walk and at one point along the road, we went off-road to a trail going down. That trail led to the mountain side sheltered with pine trees and the views were just great.

The early morning trail

 We met someone along the way, whom Dicawan knew, he said that he works as an irregular auxiliary force of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
The walk went on, going downhill along the mountainside and to a rice field wherein at the other side was the Chico river. We crossed the river with its very cold waters (8:59 am).
The walking did not stopped there as we went uphill again and into the mountainside. Like the first mountain, pine trees were everywhere. A relief upon seeing a cemented pathway provided with a handrail. It's a sign that we were near at our destination. Heeha! I laughed a little inside as I saw that the cemented pathway led down to a zig-zagging steps. Going Back would mean exerting extra effort going uphill (my waterloo).

Concreted steps

We made it down to the steps and walked along a small river (9:30 am) upstream treading its cold-icy waters.
At 9:49 am, we finally arrived at the waterfalls.

Located deep within the mountains of Bauko, it is made up of 3 visible tiers/cascades with the smallest one in between the lower and upper cascades wherein the upper is regarded as the main.
It has cold crystal clear water that is said to be drinkable.
"Tumeyaak" was said to be its local name for the place was said to be a water source of some animals (according to the guide).

With J. Dicawan at Paradise Falls

Nothing lasts forever, that we had to leave the place at 10:55 am. Using the same trail, we went on back to our hike.
At 11:12 am, we were at the base of the concreted steps and went up to the mountainside trail until we reached the Chico river where we decided to take a rest and eat our humble lunch (11:45am).
It was 12:15 in the afternoon when we continued walking, crossing the river , the rice fields and into the base of the other mountain.
Slow paced, I get really tired going uphill (12:27 pm). As usual, I trailed behind, stopping once in a while and just enjoying the view while resting.

Near the end of the trail, a final stop to rest and have a photograph even when tired :-)

It was a "slow but surely" uphill walk until we reached the Barangay road (rough and not concreted). We still had to walk along that road into the residential areas. At the residential areas, we had to refresh with softdrinks and just few minutes later, we parted ways while I hitched-ride going up to Halsema Highway then rode a passenger van where I alighted at "Green Amkaweng". There I braved the very cold waters for a brief shower, readied my things and left the "Green Amkaweng".
Waited a passenger van again along Halsema Highway.
The van I rode was only up to Abatan (km. 90), Buguias. It was raining when I alighted at Bugias where I rode another passenger van bound for La Trinidad and there, rode a taxi to get myself to the bus terminal at Baguio City.
Finally, I was bound for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Thanks to:
Bauko, Mountain Province
Tourism Office
Led by:
Ma'am Arsenia Addon
J. Dicawan -trail guide

"Green Amkaweng" Cafe and Restaurant
Km.101, Halsema Highway, Mt. Data, Bauko, Mountain Province

For my previous stay at Bauko, Mountain Province CLICK HERE

The Trail. Along the way
Note in the video: it should be SITIO BANSA and not Barangay Bansa

Paradise Falls


Location: Monamon Norte,
Municipality of Bauko,
Province of Mountain Province

How to Get there:
Going to BAUKO Municipal Hall located at Barangay ABATAN (Don't be confused with Abatan of Buguias which is regarded as Abatan 90):
Although you can also ride on bus bound for Tadian, vans are usually faster and departs from Baguio earlier.
At Baguio City go to the "En Clean Oil Bank" which is a gas station at Magsaysay avenue located at the other side of the road near the Slaughterhouse in Barangay Sto. Nino Bus and Van Terminal.
In the gas station there is a van bound for ABATAN,BAUKO. It departs Baguio as early as 6 o'clock in the morning depending upon the availability of passengers (it only departs when seats are filled). Fare price is around 180 pesos (as of January 2018).
Travel duration is 4 to 5 hours.
Upon arrival at Abatan, Bauko, go to the Municipal Hall and look for the Tourism Officer as they will be coordinating with the guides. The hike will be usually scheduled for the following day and you may choose your accommodation at Upper Bauko (Abatan area) or Lower Bauko (Mt. Data area). On both areas of accommodation are some 20 minutes+ ride away from the drop off area (Sadsadan Fire substation area) to Paradise Falls.
The trek to Paradise Falls from Halsema Highway lasts around 3-5 hours depending upon your pace.
Note: COORDINATE with the TOURISM OFFICER at Bauko Municipal Hall
Accomodation cost: starts at 300 Php +
Guide Fee: starts at 500 Php+
(Above costs are as of January 2018)


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All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. Very informative. Is it okay to ask if you have contact details of Ma'am Arsenia Addon just so we can coordinate. Thank u
