Sunday, December 17, 2017



"It was a night of art and music"

-my pagnapagna-
(December 9, 2017 a Saturday)

I got invited to "HABOL EKSENA 2017" which is a Music & Arts Event of an artists group in Baguio City.
I know some of the participating artists as I've met them before at the Baguio Museum Arts Festival which was a yearly event of the Museum but unfortunately, it seemed that there was no art festival for this year. One of the artists was "Rommel" and he was the one who invited me.
"Rommel" is an artist who does some mix-media and describes himself as a junk artist wherein he weaves or stitch/tie found objects to make a piece of art. If I was not mistaken, he was part of the artists group "LATAG" which means "lay it down" as they usually sells their artworks before on a mat along the streets of Session Road. 
I came early at the venue holding my art piece. It was around some few minutes around noontime and there was still no artists around. I left my painting at the venue and went to the city-proper to see some of the Christmas decorations of the city.
During December, there are only two things which I want to see. They are the Christmas trees. One at the Burnham Park and the other at the upper portion of Session road.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon and I was back at the venue.
The venue was a cafe/restaurant/art space with a game room. It is called "QuiBad's Place" located at Bakakeng, Baguio City. Some of the artists were there busy in the preparation. I noticed that most of the art pieces where not of the usual paintings but of mixed medias like found objects and sculptures of metals (found objects). Paintings on canvas seem to be a rarity for the group.

"Mga Bantayan ng La Union" Acrylic on Canvas 25" x 49" ... pagnapagna's painting

The event started late in the afternoon. It was an informal setting. It started with a touching performance by artists Marya dela Torre. It was an emotional one with deep angst shouting "pagsusumamo" towards the end followed by a short of "monolouge" accompanied by drums.

with The Performance Artist Marya Dela Torre

Deep into the night, the place was filled with celebration of music and dance.
A band played while the other artists beats the drums and even the large water bottles where used to produce some sounds.

one of the band performing

It was very late into the night when I left the place. Gone back to the city proper hoping to see the two Christmas trees lighted. Unfortunately, only the Christmas tree at Session Road was still lighted, the one at Burnham Park was already turned off.
It was a very cold night as I left Baguio City inside a passenger van going back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-


Subject: "QuiBad's Place"
Barangay Bakakeng
City of Baguio
How to get there:



 © All Original Content Copyright 2017 pagnapagna, All Rights Reserved. Ask permission before using content!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this art plus music event was truly admirable. I am glad that you shared the photos here. You know dear at the San Francisco venues there was also an annual art event organized in last year. My cousin had participated in that event in it and had received an award for her debut.
