Friday, November 3, 2017



"Arriving in this area means that your halfway through along the trail to Tangadan Falls. But this waterfalls has its enigmatic beauty of its own"

Let us practice the LNT (Leave No Trace) Outdoor ethics when going to this nature places. Let us not write, etch on their rocks and other surfaces. Manage our waste products/garbage properly. Plastics and other garbage has no place along the trail and specially at the rivers and waterfalls. Importantly, your SAFETY is your PRIORITY! Respect the local culture.

-my pagnapagna-
(November 3, 2017 a Friday)

I am in San Gabriel, La Union not for Tangadan falls but for the waterfalls located halfway along the river trail to Tangadan Falls and while at it, did a sketch since I haven't done any outdoor sketching for a while.
The trail was a little bit muddy as it rained yesterday. 
Although it was a sunny morning, a tropical storm was crossing the Visayas region. 
I was taking my time, shooting some photographs and videos along the trail.
Enjoying the view and the serenity of the trail, since there was no need for a rush. It will be just 30+ minutes of a walk until my destination.

Boulder at the river. Isn't that looked nutty?
A group of hikers passed me by as they crossed the river nearby.
I also followed and crossed the river and went up to the rice fields and mountain trail.
The trail looked cleaner (comparing to the last time I visited the area) with just few trash along the way.
As I approached my destination, loud music can be heard of mostly old songs and novelty songs. The sounds of "Big Girls Don't Cry", Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and many more filled the river-mountain air otherwise silently nature. It was emanating from a small cabin of the store owner that sells drinks, snacks and for rent life vest.
There were people taking selfies as they arrived earlier before me.
I went down to the river and into the waterfalls and started taking photographs and videos. Afterwards, I found myself alone in that nature place as they left and went on to the trail going to Tangadan falls.
The sound of loud music was still on and afterwards it turned into a "Kankanaey movie". It was an "Igorot comedy-drama" I was hearing, and it echoed to the open river area.
Nobody was in sight.
I went back to the store, sat down and about to do a sketch when a batch of people arrived. They were a family and they did lingered there for a while, 
The store owner came out of his cabin to sell and to operate the "tramline" or a carriage supported by cables (I don't know the real term for it. It might be wrong but I'll just call it that way). 
It was a "do-it-yourself" tramline by the owner which can accommodate one person to two (slim and not overweight as pointed out by the operator).

The Dissu-or falls as seen from where I was seated.

"Dissu-or" Falls
Located between the municipalities of San Gabriel and of Bagulin (with the river as boundary) in the province of La Union, this waterfall is situated downstream of Tangadan Falls. Around 30 minutes walk apart to and from Tangadan falls and Dissu-or.
Oftentimes regarded as the "diving area". It has a cliff of about 20 to 25 feet high where one can dive into its deep natural pool area or bowl.
Diving is generally not allowed during heavy monsoon rains and during a typhoon since the water force will greatly affect your ability to swim.
It is a "pit stop" or a "prelude" to Tangadan falls. Although having said that, the waterfalls can have its enigmatic beauty of its own.

I went on sketching while people come and go.

My sketch, still halfway done.

Towards the afternoon, the sky turned gloomy and it started to drizzle. A light rain fell down as I readied my things and prepare to leave.
With an umbrella, I left the area going back to the trail. 
Rain poured heavily. I was somewhat delighted to experience walking along the trail with a heavy downpour. It's been a long time since I had a heavy downpour along a forest trail.
The rain fizzled as I reached barangay Duplas where I rode a tricycle going back to downtown San Gabriel.
At downtown San Gabriel, I rode the jeep bound for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-


Subject: Dissu-or Falls
Municipality of Bagulin and San Gabriel (Boundary)
Province of La Union
How to get there:



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