Sunday, September 17, 2017

Waterfalls of Lower ANENG River


"A hidden mystical place of waterfalls along a river called Aneng"


Please let us practice the LNT (Leave No Trace) outdoor ethics/principles when going to these nature places.
Manage our waste products properly (pack it in, pack it out), don't leave your trash. Let us not vandalize/write/etch on its rock surfaces as well as on trees. Be respectful of the community's culture and traditions.

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-my pagnapagna-
(September 14, 2017 a Thursday)

I've been in the barangay Kamog area for around four times already and my second time around at Bayocboc Falls of lower Aneng river.
I went back for a possible waterfalls located some distance upstream of the Bayocboc falls.

It was around 7:10 in the morning when I arrived at Calot-Kamog junction area along the Naguilian road and had a breakfast at a small "carinderia" nearby.
I decided to ride a tricycle (7:32 am) that arrived at Michael Angel Elementary School  (7:45 am) with 55 pesos fare. That way, I had more energy reserve to go down and up on that mountainside and to save time as well.
Although the tricycle can convey you further down the road, I decided to just walk my way to a residential area where the mountain road terminates.
I reached the Aneng river entry point by the roadside (8:18 am) but I have to go further down the road as the waterfalls are at the lower part of the river.
Walked farther along that cemented road until it turned into earth road that led to small residential area of some two to three houses.
The radio was on at one of the houses but nobody seemed to be around as nobody answered to my call.
I looked for the trailhead, found it and went on walking on that mountainside (8:44 am). The trail led directly into the yard of another house. I remember that that was the house where there was a monkey on a leash but the monkey was not around anymore. The dogs kept on barking at me. And again, nobody seemed to be at home.
The connecting trail was at the other side of the house that led into a plantation of tiger grass.
It was a steep descent and down to a farmer's hut. Another connecting trail that passes to a mountainside spring led down to the rice fields.
There were some three to four farmers working in the fields that day. I smiled as I approached them and asked the connecting trail going down to the waterfalls below.
I finally reached the waterfalls (9:30 am). This waterfall is called "Bayocboc" Falls and it was my second time around.

The Bayocboc Falls
"Bayocboc" Falls
A small waterfall (not a free fall) around 10 to 15 feet in height that maybe considered as a horsetail (?). It has also a basin or natural pool area that overflows to a long bedrock, dropping again as two smaller waterfalls into a wider natural pool area.

My headache was bothering me. I  think it was a migraine but that did not stopped me from enjoying the view.

The lower cascades of Bayocboc Falls

After taking some photographs and videos, I left the area to go upstream (10:42 am). At some point, I removed my rubber shoes and put on slippers to cross the river and be at the other side.
I kept on walking and my headache seemed to be gone. Few minutes along the way, I can see part of the waterfalls and I felt very excited to see its entirety.
Hop on top of the rocks to move forward and at last ... I can see it... the Waterfalls of "Aneng".

The "Waterfalls of Aneng" or say "Aneng" Waterfalls

Waterfalls of "Aneng"
Another small waterfall of "Aneng" river but with considerably wide width (that's comparing to its height) and has a wide natural pool area. The place felt and looked mystical to me.
I have not yet researched about its true name but hopefully soon.

I further went upstream and seen some interesting much smaller cascades.

Upper area... Mystical it is.

Time to leave (11:06 am) and be on the mountainside trail.
I put on my rubber shoes and went above to the rice field (12:20 noon). The farmers had left as it was noontime.
An all uphill walk. I have to rest once in a while. With determination, I made it to the earth road above (1:08 pm).
Well. it's not yet over. I have to walk along the road, this time ascending.
After few minutes of walking, luckily, a passenger tricycle came (1:47 pm) that brought me back to the national highway (Naguilian road) (2:15 pm).
Another day, leaving a mystical place of nature. I finally rode a bus going back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

For my previous visit to the area:

Other post on Sablan:


Subject: Bayocboc Falls and Waterfall of Aneng
Barangay Kamog
Municipality of Sablan
Province of  Benguet
How to get there:
Please visit first their Municipal Hall or
their Barangay Hall and talk to their
Barangay Officials as courtesy as well as for your safety.
The place is not yet a tourist-oriented area and most
of the trails passes through private lots and
small residential areas.

From Manila you may either:  
a) go up to BAGUIO CITY, then at Baguio City ride a bus going down to any of these places: San Fernando City-La Union, Candon City, Abra or Laoag City but you have to get down at Barangay Banangan (before Sablan town proper) particularly at the intersection of Calot-Kamog- Pappa Provincial road (the road going to Sablan National High School and SLU Centennial Village). Ride a tricycle going to the nearest drop-off point to the Bayocboc Falls (near sitio Bising going further down from Banao) then take a hike and ask directions along the way.
b) go to LA UNION. From Manila take a bus bound to any of these: La Union, Candon City, Vigan City, Abra and Laoag City. But you have to get down at Barangay Banangan (after Sablan town proper) particularly at the intersection of Calot-Kamog- Pappa Provincial road (the road going to Sablan National High School and SLU Centennial Village). Ride a tricycle going to the nearest drop-off point to the Bayocboc Falls (near sitio Bising going further down from Banao) then take a hike and ask directions along the way.

Please visit first their Municipal Hall and look for the Officer in-charged with their Tourism so they can endorse you to the concerned Barangay.
A local guide is very helpful.



 © All Original Content Copyright 2017 pagnapagna, All Rights Reserved. Ask permission before using content!

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