Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Revisiting Suyo's Dawara and Sangbay ni Ragsak with sidetrip to Luna, La Union


"Whatta day"

Please let us practice the LNT (Leave No Trace) outdoor ethics/principles when going to these nature places.

Manage our waste products properly (pack it in, pack it out), don't leave your trash. Let us not vandalize/write/etch on its rock surfaces as well as on trees. Be respectful of the community's culture and traditions.

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-my pagnapagna-
(September 15, 2017 a Friday)

We left San Fernando City around 8 o'clock in the morning. All in all we were five inside his car. 
An hour+ later, we arrived at Suyo town proper particularly in front of their Municipal Hall.
We went inside the Municipal Hall to meet their Tourism officer and I was surprised that I saw a new face. Ma'am Leah was not around anymore as previously she was the one in-charged with Suyo Tourism and I met her way back year 2013 ... that long time ago!
Anyway, the one I talked to was equally accommodating but she said that they don't have any available guide around.
We thanked her as well as her office-mates and went on to our first destination.
We walked along an earth road that leads to a river. Crossed the river through a hanging bridge and walked on an earth road again. Just before the waterfalls we found a trail going down to the river.
And there it was the Dawara falls.

Dawara Falls
Located just near downtown of Suyo (the area farther back of the Municipal Hall), this waterfall towers some 60-80 feet or more with its almost free fall. It has a wide natural pool area but watch out for falling rocks.

Darawa Falls

We left the area to be back at downtown and had lunch at one of the stores nearby.
Our next destination was the "Sangbay ni Ragsak".
In his car we went eastward along the main highway and just after the Urzadan bridge, we left turned on that one-lane road (the one going to Sigay, Ilocos Sur).

We finally arrived at the trailhead. 
After parking his car, we went walking on the trail. There were improvements done. Some of the pathways were concreted and with handrails. Surprisingly there was a registration area overlooking the waterfalls from a distance. Registration fee costs 20 pesos per head.

Walking down to a concreted pathway led to the cottage with a garden (looking tropical with ferns).
Its walkway extends to a viewing area fronting the waterfalls.

"Sangbay ni Ragsak"
Must be with the same height with that of Darawa falls, it is with a natural pool area wide enough for swimming. It is now with facilities for visitors such as cottage, viewing area, comfort room and I think you can also cook somewhere. To cap it all, you need to pay a small amount to enter the area.

Sangbay ni Ragsak
Although, most of the rock surfaces and bedrocks were slippery, nevertheless we enjoyed its falling waters. Like kids we had fun even we suspected that those were small leeches we've seen but they were just small worms of some sort
Even the best of times comes to an end, we had to leave.
As my companion said when we finished swimming, "we washed away our bad lucks" (that will be washed away to the river) and so we were leaving them behind as we left the area. So be it.
We were cleansed by the waterfall, we left the area, we left Suyo, Ilocos Sur and had a side trip to Luna, La Union where we tasted some street foods near the church at their town plaza and seen the old watchtower called "Baluarte" with its reconstructed other half . 
The sunset along the pebble carpeted beach at the vicinity of the legendary "Bahay na Bato" which previously ranked numero uno tourists destination in the whole province of La Union but unfortunately and suddenly was now closed, shuts its doors to the public.

The Bahay na Bato the Legend. Now a private resthouse

Yes it was a day to remember as we headed back.
 It was nighttime as I alighted from their car. 
They went on their way back to Baguio City while I walked my way back to Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

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