Monday, May 15, 2017

Visiting an old friend in TADIAN ft. Mt. Mogao and Gawaan Lake


"Like the saying goes, Just go! and I did go to visit an old friend. I was back again after 12 years"

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-my pagnapagna-

Day 01
(May 12, 2017 a Friday)
I arrived at Baguio City around six o'clock in the morning and went to the Dangwa Bus Station located at the back of  the Baguio Center Mall and noticed that the bus (ordinary) bound for Tadian (Sumadel) was not yet around.
At around seven o'clock, the bus arrived and passengers began to fill in, including me.
The bus departed at 8:30 that morning.
After almost 5 hours of travel, the mini-bus arrived at the Lilimu junction at Guinzadan (1:20 pm). It stopped at that area for the jeepney bound for Cagubatan that came from Poblacion Tadian (Tadian town proper) also stopped to pick up some passengers. I alighted from the bus and hurriedly went to the passenger jeep that was waiting.
Although filled with passengers, I managed to place myself among the toploading passengers together with sacks of rice and other commodities. It was a great place there at the roof as the jeepney maneuvers its way down that descending road while looking at the iconic Mount Mogao at the far distance.
We arrived at barangay Cagubatan (1:54 pm) and I alighted. The jeepney went on to get to its destination which was the nearby barangay of Pandayan.
At Cagubatan, I started to walk my way up on a road going to the barangay of Banaao.
After around an hour of walking, I finally arrived at Banaao.

I went to the house of an old friend but unfortunately he was not around. They told me that he went to work at the next upper barangay of Lenga but we (together with his relatives) managed to contact him through cellphone. He told me that he will be going down after retiring from work that late afternoon.
Since it was just half an hour pass three in the afternoon, while waiting, I went to visit the nearby lake of Gawaan.
It was around six o'clock in the evening when my old friend Jerome arrived and it was a great moment seeing him back there in Banaao, Tadian after 12 years. 

Day 02
(May 13, 2017 a Saturday)
After having a lite breakfast (around 5:30 am), me and Jerome went down from barangay Banaao to see the Mount Mogao.
We walked along that concreted road at the base of the mountain and eventually went off-road to a trail leading to the summit of the Mt. Mogao. It was just some 30 minutes to an hour hike to the top. And as expected, I had difficulty on the cliff area. I can't seem to glimpse at the rice terraces below as it made me more slow moving and at times almost crawling.
Yesterday's late afternoon rain made the trail moist and a little soft.
Inside my head I said, Oh my Gulay! I should stick to my waterfalls!

At the base of the cross at the summit

Mount Mogao
Located just next to barangay Cagubatan is this rocky Mountain that is surrounded at distance by higher mountain peaks. It is also known to others as Mt. Clitoris.

I thank God and my companion that we made it to the summit.
Above, there was a simple cross made off galvanized iron pipe and the view was great but I was thinking of how will I get back down. I laid on my back and looked towards the sky and rested for a while.
After a few minutes at the summit, it was time to get down.
I noticed going down was much easier, my fear of falling on that cliff side trail seemed to have faded.
We went back to barangay Cagubatan and bought chicken meat, cooked it and ate a heavy meal at their house in barangay Banaao. After that hike, we deserve the tummy fill.
Few minutes of siesta and we went to see a burial site. If I was not mistaken, they call it "Liyang".
It was just a short walk from the Banaao Barangay Hall to get to the said burial site.

Burial Sites
There was two of these. They were placed at an ample space just below a boulder. The first burial site contains 5 to six wood (log) coffins and said to be of unknown people while the second one contains a single wood coffin and its descendants/relatives were known. 

Along the concreted pathway, we also passed by a rock were legend says that it was where the enchanted ladies whipped their belts that made an imprint just to ward off or to prove that they were one of the "Kabunians" (fairies etc.) to the local males who were following them after a feast. 
The concreted pathway led to the Lake Gawaan. 

Lake Gawaan
Located few kilometers from the Mount Mogao is this small lake where it has fish pens for raising fish such as "Tilapia". 

At lake Gawaan, at a small hut, we had a little celebration. It rained towards late afternoon.

Lake Gawaan as seen (zoomed) from Mt. Mogao

Day 03
(May 14, 2017 a Sunday)
Around 5:30 in the morning when "Jerome" walked its way back for work to the next upper barangay of Lenga while I waited for the lone jeepney bound for Tadian poblacion (Town proper).
The jeepney came at 6:30 am, I rode and alighted at Abatan (Bauko).

Rode a van bound for Baguio City and I was eventually bound for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

Time/Duration of my travel:
Bus Travel
8:33 am - departs from Dangwa Station (Baguio City)
8:52 am - at La Trinidad town proper
9:13 am- Shilan, La Trinidad
9:18 am - Toll gate (Tublay, benguet)
10:37 am - Stop-over (Sayangan, Atok)
11:03 am - Depart from Sayangan, Atok)
11:06 am - passed by Highway System Highest Point
11:11 am - Kabayan, Benguet (to Kabayan Mummies)
12:02 noon - Abatan (90), Bugias
12:24 noon - Mountain Province Welcome Arch
12:50 pm - Junction at Maba-ay, Bauko, Mountain Province
1:20 pm - Lilimu. Guinzadan Area (at the Bauko junction going down to Cagubatan)
Jeepney Ride (40 pesos)
1:22 pm - at the Bauko Junction
1:54 pm - at Cagubatan (Tadian)

Time /Duration Going Back:
Banaao-Tadian Jeepney (50 pesos)
6:30 am - from Banaao (Tadian)
6:48 am - passed by Cagubatan (Tadian)
7:23 am - Abatan (Bauko)
Passenger Van (Enclean Transport) (180 pesos)
8:03 am - from Abatan, Bauko (Mountain Province)
8:08 am - Guinzadan, Bauko (Mountain Province)
8:47 am - Mountain Province Welcome arch
9:00 am - Abatan (90), Buguias (Benguet)
9:25 am - Sinipsip (Benguet)
9:45 am - Kabayan, Benguet (to Kabayan Mummies)
9:58 am - Sayangan, Atok (Benguet)
11:03 am - Tublay (Benguet)
11:40 am - La Trinidad, Benguet (Heavy Traffic)
12 noon + - Baguio City in Heavy Traffic

My first post:
PAGNAPAGNA  (My 1st post)


Subject: Banaao, Tadian
Barangay Banaao
Municipality of Tadian
Province of Mountain Province
How to get there:
At Baguio City, you may :
A) Take an ordinary bus bound for Sumadel, Tadian (with 5 to 6 hours travel) and HOPEFULLY you reach BAUKO (Abatan after Guinzadan area) at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon for the only jeepney bound for Banaao or the lone jeepney for Pandayan. Wherein, if you rode the one going to Pandayan, you alight at Cagubatan and walk your way up to Banaao.
Their bus terminal is at Dangwa Terminal area (at the back of Baguio Center mall) fronting the Sab-atan Restaurant and just near the Lizardo Bus Station.
B) Take a passenger VAN bound for Bauko (Abatan) wherein their (Enclean Transport) terminal is located somewhere at Barangay Sto. Niño (Slaughter house area). The Vans are faster than that of the Bus (with 180 pesos fare and 4 hours travel).
At Abatan,  Bauko (NOT Abatan 90 which is at Buguias) wait for the jeep bound for Banaao (it comes from Tadian town proper) at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon (with 50 pesos fare). If you chanced upon the one going to Pandayan (with 40 pesos fare), alight at Cagubatan and walk your way up to Banaao.


 © All Original Content Copyright 2017 pagnapagna, All Rights Reserved. Ask permission before using content!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. nice video, I will bring my teachers there this week. I will they will enjoy it.
