Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bangar Abel (Loom Weaving)


"After knowing that aside from the well-known pioneering De Castro's weaving, there were other private weaving businesses in the municipality that continue to venture in this old art of loom weaving"

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-my pagnapagna-
(November 14, 2016 a Monday)

A few blocks just across the road from the De Castro's weaving is the COLOMA's WEAVING. I went inside and got to talked to one of the workers who just arrived. After I introduced myself and let her know my intentions, she gladly worked on the only loom inside the room for me to take photographs and videos. Afterwards. she said that I can also go to where most of their loom weavers work which is at the other road nearby.
It was a small elevated house where below was the working space for the loom weavers. Since monday is their market day, just few of them came to work for others went to the market.

(November 15, 2016 a Tuesday)

I came back the following day for the other group of loom weavers. This time with a company.
We went walking along that same road going to De Castro's and Coloma's until we reached barangay Alzate.
At Alzate, we did found the main house of the ORMITA's WEAVING but through further inquiries, they said that their weavers are outsourced and they are at barangay Barraca.
We kept on walking farther to the next barangay of Quintarong for another group of loom weavers and fortunately, along the way, we saw two loom weavers working on one loom. It was a backyard loom weaving and found out that they also work for one of the private loom weaving business entity. They also gladly let us took photographs and videos of them working. We thanked them and went on walking towards the barangay of Quintarong.

A roadside-backyard loom weavers

At barangay Quintarong, we saw the ABAT LUCINA's WEAVING.
Their workplace was like a small pavilion (no walls) where 6 or more loom weavers worked.

The Abat Lucina's Weaving house

One of the workers said "Mayat ta naranaam ti karigatan nga parte" (Good, you're in time for the very intricate part). She was pertaining to weaving a name wherein at that time for a pillow case.
The other one said, "Adda pay aggan-gannay dita uneg" (There is someone preparing the thread inside).
 I went inside a side room of the adjacent house then photographed and took videos of the man preparing the threads for the loom.
After some few talks with them, we thanked them and headed for a "mamihan" (noodle soup store) across the road to have a snack.
While ordering "mami" for our snack, a woman in his probably early 6o's was checking his supply of frozen goods who I came to know was the owner of the weaving house that we just visited. She was Lucina Abat.
We talked a lot about his weaving industry. Its ups and downs.
I learned from her that the usual target work force of the loom weaving industry are the senior citizens. And just why is that? It's because they are the one that usually becomes idle and loom weaving is a great alternative. She added that, it's a great form of exercise for the senior citizens while earning as well.
After finishing our bowl of noodle soups, we thanked them and went on for barangay Barraca.
At barangay Barraca, we arrived at a weaving house of  RP Lucina (Remedios).
Located at the back of a house by the roadside, their workplace is under an old house. This is the usual settings of old houses in the provinces wherein the house is elevated and underneath amidsts the posts/columns is an open space (with just enough headroom). In this case the open space was utilized for loom weaving.
After some video and photograph sessions, we thanked them and went on for the outsourced weavers of Ormita's weaving.
Along the way, we chanced upon another weavers that can be seen from a distance along the road. They were working on a shed attached to a house. I came to know (if my recall was right) that they work for NUEGERA's WEAVING.

Another backyard loom weaving for the Nuegera's Weaving

We kept on walking to see another outsourced weavers.
We finally found weavers from ORMITA's WEAVING working at a two-men loom. It was located at the back of a roadside house wherein there were two looms under an attached shed at a corner of a house. 

Working on a two-men/women loom at Brgy. Barraca for Ormita's Weaving

After some few conversations, photo & video shoots, we thanked them and went back on the road and finally rode a tricycle to get us back to downtown Bangar and finally I got to ride a bus for Home Sweet Home.

-end of pagnapagna-

for De Castro's weaving CLICK HERE
For other posts about Bangar CLICK HERE

Subject: Loom Weaving
Location: Municipality of Bangar
Province of La Union
How to get there:
Even though they are at a different barangays of the town, going to each loom weaver's place is easy for its only a short walk from each others.
 © All Original Content Copyright 2016 pagnapagna, All Rights Reserved. Ask permission before using content!


  1. Hi! Would you know if they sell their textiles? Or is it all privately owned?

    1. They usually work for a person who sells them. So everything they weave is for that person who manages them. You'll find their products displayed at the one who manages them or at their workplace.
