Thursday, December 24, 2015

2015 YEARender

"It is just two Regions of the Philippines and yet so diverse. Definitely a year is not enough to cover these two Regions and not even a lifetime"


The TOP 5 most viewed 2015 pagnapagna's

I once thought this was just another one of those sleepy towns but it proved me wrong with its weaving industry thriving.

It was January when I went there and it was one of the coldest days of the year. I got a help from the gardeners nearby going to the waterfalls and to the small caves.

I made a list of the probable waterfalls around Benguet and Baguio City with some of them I had visited but others' existence are yet to be confirmed. The list continues and many are yet to be known and seen.

2nd place- Payogpog Falls
At Shilan, La Trinidad, this small waterfall is calming with its well sunlit area. When I went there, small birds were flying around and they dipped in its waters once in awhile.

1st place- Mt. Kalugong
This was my first mountain top in La Trinidad with an overlooking view of the Valley. 
This place is very popular for pre-nuptial photo and video shoots.

The other posts of year 2015:

#48- Winaca

Top 15 all-time most viewed posts as of December 2015

15th place- Lon-oy
9th place-   Pikkang Falls
5th place-   Tuddingan Falls
4th place-   Antong Falls
2nd place-   Tangadan Falls
1st place-    Waterfalls of La Union


A year is coming to an end for another is about to begin.

These past years, I owe many thanks to everyone I had met along the way. They gave spices and sparkles to every journey I took. They made me felt safe and welcome to these destinations, making everything possible. They had helped me a lot in so many ways.

Although not everything is a golden platter, I find preciousness to the experiences, adding it up to my book of travels.
A smile, a pout, a cry, a laugh, friendly, unfriendly and everything had its own story or stories to tell.

Travel, everytime it it is done, it becomes a life, a way of life where I meet people from different walks of life. From tricycle drivers, a man walking home, people working in the farms, a tour guide, barangay Captain, municipal Mayors and everything in-between they find a part, a segment, or rightfully a place and a home in the duration of my lifetime. 

Travelling and hiking around this two regions (Cordillera and Ilocos) which I call it home, had molded me into an Artist with a passion for everything Ilocano-Igorot.
An advocacy is starting to fire up in me for anything "nature" and anything "Ilocano-Igorot".
I love naturally nature - the forest, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, mountains, flora and fauna as much I love the people and culture of the Ilocos and Cordilleras.
Once in awhile or probably most of the time, I will be doing sketches, paintings and other artworks with these regional subjects in mind.
Why Ilocos and Cordilleras only?
Aside from born Ilocano as to love your own, accessibility would be one of the main reasons, as i said this is my home region. It's a learning process. It helps me become a better individual who knows his place, people and culture and i'd like to share it with you.
Why not other places?
There are so many bloggers in the whole world and they come by the thousands or probably by the millions. They can take care of these places.
For me, I'd like to zoom-in and in zooming-in the speck becomes bigger giving me a wider scope.

To my readers out there, hoping you find my travel stories useful in some ways, giving a glimpse or insights of the place and "How to get there".

And so, to my co-travellers and co-hikers, travel buddies, the people I met and will be meeting, to my Ilocano and Igorot friends and most specially to my family:
I am very thankful to everyone of you and looking forward for another pagnapagna year and years to come!


For the 2014 YEARender CLICK HERE

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