"A monument probably constructed during Ferdinand Marcos' reign as president of the Philippines and is now abandoned"
After we missed this one on my previous "pagnapagna" from Tekdag-aso falls of Arosip Eco-trail, we went back to finally take a look at the so-called "Dambana".
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-my pagnapagna-
We rode a jeep (10:10 am) from San Fernando City, La Union bound for Sapilang, Bacnotan. It has its terminal inside DMMMSU-NLUC (Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- North La Union Campus).
We went down at the said University and headed for the road at the southern part of the campus (10:40 am). This was our exit point from our previous "pagnapagna" and this time, we were going to use it as our entry point going up to Barangay Lacong, San Gabriel, La Union.
The road going up to Barangay Lacong, San Gabriel, La Union |
After walking all the way up on cemented road to the top where the marker of Barangay Lacong is located by the roadside, we went off-road to a trail (1:00 pm) that led to the forested base of the hill where we passed by a fishpond.
A view of the distant mountains with communication towers |
At the Barangay Lacong marker by the roadside. It is here where we went off-road going to a trail to the Dambana |
Another marker laid on the ground near the roadside signage to Brgy. Lacong |
Funny, we literally waited for the cow to show as which trail to take at this crossroad. I said to my companion "Aguray ta damagen ta diyay nuang nu anya" (wait, we will ask the carabao) then the carabao turned his head to the left twice and we laughed. We took that trail and it really led us to the "Dambana". Talking about coincidence. |
Walking farther up the trail, it led us to the inside of the thinning forest. We saw someone nearby with their dog barking and went near to ask where is the "Dambana". They pointed the trail going up and also to where the viewing deck is located.
We thanked them and went to see the "Dambana" (1:20 pm).
With someone who were making charcoal out of the trees |
Yep, they were ready for charcoal |
We took some photographs and videos of the "Dambana" and rested for a while.
One of the concrete post that was left of the Viewing deck |
pathway that led to the monument |
The "DAMBANA". I do not still know what's the full story behind the monument and it's full name. |
Inside the "Dambana" looking up |
Time to go back.
At the base of the hill, another pile of cut trees ready to be turned into charcoals |
The view from the trail looking down at the concrete road. Can you see the roadside marker? |
We went back to the trail that led to the cemented road where we walked downhill back to DMMMSU-NLUC.
Beside a signage at the road going up to Barangay Lacong |
Inside the DMMMSU-NLUC (Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-
North La Union Campus) |
We had a snack at one of the many stores inside the campus after which we went to the jeepney area to get to our next "pagnapagna" which is the BUSSAOIT DAM.
-end of pagnapagna-
Location : Barangay of Lacong
Municipality of Bacnotan/San Gabriel
Province of La Union
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